Day in the Life

Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Breathe, keep breathing......

4am and everyone is still breathing here on the floor. Always a good sign. Ohhhhhh night shifts, you just never know. T minus 3 1/2 hours to go. My mind tonight is thinking in small concise sentences in order to conserve energy. Which is not a bad thing per se. People (myself included) sometimes get stupid when bogged down by too much thought. Of course, there's always the risk of flying away with too little thought. Sometimes you're just up for the trip though and it's all good.

Thankfully, the floor is decidedly less busy these days. Well deserved. There was a really rough period back in March where it was a little too intense, even for this place. 3 code blues (heart stops, breathing stops, patient basically dead); one guy was only 27, one gal was 19, the last was the sweetest little lady ever. Not fair not fair not fair! That's just hitting below the belt. Some of you have asked why I've never written a blog in my work section (Fixing a Hole). I honestly thought I would and had every intention to. But when I come home from work, my mind and heart need a little break. Perhaps one day.

Soooooo, rumour has it I was spotted in London last weekend? How incredible!!!!! I had a ridiculously good time! My guys and gals! My how you've all grown! It had been waaaay too long, almost a year in some cases. A sunny weekend spent drifting away on patios and front porches with cold drink in hand. There are worse fates in life. Especially big props to those who had an exam the next day and decided fuck it anyway. People after my own heart! Engaged and with a mortgage Ania?!?! Shikamoo mzungu bibi! Another unforgettable Hickson drive-by with Erin my love ("Hickson Erin! HICKSON!") where they're all from Minnesota and listen to Rod Stewart. Bloody incredible. And JAN!!!!!! - my mentor and reason for being in life!!! Freaking awesome. When I left a year ago, was convinced London was the crapper, my faith has thus been restored though. Green grass! Trees! Alcohol! All those huge apartments with such cheap rent! Most of all, my posse, thanks for some amazing nights, miss you guys all so much.

But yes, things are going good here. Actually really good, now that it's nicer outside. Moving day fast approaching (PACKING! I HATE IT!) so we're getting all our junk together. Jess and the rest of you will be done exams soon (if not already!) so there's absolutely no reason why you all can't drive to Toronto and help us settle in. It'll be fun! First 30 people here get a free banana.

Found a good little park lately that has some awesome climbing trees and a little stream to race boats in. My little boat is currently looking for sponsors if anyone's interested. It may not be the fastest boat but it sure does sink.

Oh yeah! Terrific news, my bike seat got stolen not once but TWICE in 3 weeks! I really have a knack. But all is not lost, I have a feeling that my luck will change now. I was biking to work one night and stopped at the light while at Yonge & College (irrevelant fact). Waiting for the light to turn green again, some pedestrians passed me by, the last one being an aboriginal. He didn't say a word but rested his hand on my front tire for a few seconds, gave me a little smile then went on his way. Now, I can't say what that was all about but here's what I'm figuring: he either blessed the bike with many safe trails and happy adventures, or my bike is now cursed beyond all 17 realms of hell. Which would be a step up.

Ok, still at work, only it's 24 hours later from when I started (and yes I went home in between shifts). The floor is still quiet, people are still breathing, and the world is well. Keep breathing all, and I'll do the same.


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