Day in the Life

Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

They Say it's Your Birthday........?

It's my birthday too yeah! (Two weeks ago at least).

Well then........24! We're in the big leagues now baby! Knee-deep in the twenty-something years. If I didn't know any better I'd say I was getting older. Quite the memorable birthday week, marked by a few firsts for me and the mandatory large amount of booze......

Having worked Friday night, I stumbled out of bed that Saturday afternoon with the same thing on my mind most people have when in similar circumstances: banana muffins. I was joining Jolan and his family for a casual Thanksgiving that night and wanted to bring along something girlfriendishy. Banana muffins were the obvious solution so thus my baking got underway. (I first had to pick up some flour from the corner store but that's really not vital to the story). As I was just putting the last batch in the oven, lo and behold, Jolan shows up announcing he'll escort me to his house after he gives me my birthday present. Ignoring the fact that it would be technically 4 days early, I hold out my hands, close my eyes and before me appears a Maple Leafs jersey. Alright! Very cool! I was psyched for finally being able to spend a winter in Toronto with the bars full of hockey fans, now I could even dress the part! Awesome gift, through and through, yet there's "just one more little side gift to go along with that....." Eyes closed again, something light, small, papery - LEAFS TICKETS! Insane! I couldn't believe it ~ I had never been to a hockey game before so this was truly amazing. What was even more unbelievable was that of course the tickets were for that night(!) ~ the whole Thanksgiving thing being a decoy. What about my banana muffins?!?!? All that effort for nothing. Hmph. Muffins or no, it was a great game, marred only by the fact that Leafs lost to Habs 5-4 (don't say a word Marc). Maybe next time. Drinks and pool followed in bar afterwards, oh what a night. (We did have the option of seeing 54-40 perform live outside the ACC after the game but we opted out, figuring there could only have so much fun had in one night, after that it's just being greedy).

The next morning was spent with Adam, a definite first for me and really too complicated to go into it all right now. I'll save that story for another blog. (Oh the intrigue....)

That night, exhausted as I was, was spent in Kitchener, and although we called it Thanksgiving, it really was just an excuse to have all my relatives together and get liqoured.* Jolan came and met the whole fam-damily for the first time, he was quite impressed as you can imagine. Whose family isn't nuts, all in good fun, and my Grandma truly is the sweetest lady there is.

(*also see Christmas.)

As for the actual day of my birth, it was spent with little bruhaha in Barrie, just as I wanted, family and wine always making the world seem so wonderful and complete.

In other news and on to the exciting-lives-that-aren't-mine category, Angele my belle has left for a year in South Korea while Erin departed yesterday for Vietnam. Damn! Oh the jealousy! Becoming an english teacher and a nanny respectively, they're living and breathing and being a part of it all. While I'm in Toronto. But obviously don't get me started on that. I wish both you guys so many safe and amazing adventures, couldn't think of two more deserving gals. And yes Angele, you've officially become my next adventure, you heard it here first folks: South Korea 2006!

On that uplifting note I shall bid you all good night, and a very happy birthday to us all.....


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